The Importance of Regular Air Conditioning Maintenance for Optimal Comfort and Efficiency

hvac maintenance

Air conditioning systems play an essential role in keeping your home comfortable and enjoyable, especially during the hot summer months. To ensure your air conditioning system operates smoothly and efficiently, regular maintenance is crucial. We are your trusted provider of air conditioning maintenance services for residents in Portland, OR, and the surrounding areas. Our skilled technicians have the expertise needed to keep your air conditioning system in peak condition, prolonging its lifespan and optimizing energy efficiency, ultimately saving you time and money.

Routine air conditioning maintenance involves a range of services tailored to assess and address potential issues that may impact your system’s performance. These services, which include inspecting, cleaning, and tuning various components of your system, can prevent minor issues from turning into significant, costly problems and ensure that your air conditioner runs optimally throughout the year.

Stay tuned as we explore the various aspects of air conditioning maintenance, including the specific services involved, the benefits of routine maintenance, and the expertise that we bring to residents in the Portland, OR, area. Learn how regular maintenance can enhance your air conditioning system’s performance and increase your home’s energy efficiency, ultimately leading to a more comfortable living environment and improved indoor air quality.

Components of an Air Conditioning Maintenance Service

Routine air conditioning maintenance encompasses a variety of services designed to keep your system running at peak performance. Some of the essential components of a maintenance service provided by our professionals include:

  1. Inspection: Our technicians thoroughly inspect your air conditioning system for any signs of wear, damage, or potential issues. They check electrical connections, refrigerant levels, and filter conditions to ensure the proper functioning of your system.
  2. Cleaning: Regular cleaning of your air conditioning system is vital. Our technicians clean the condenser and evaporator coils, removing dirt and debris that can impact efficiency and overall performance.
  3. Lubrication: Moving parts in your air conditioning system, such as motors and bearings, need proper lubrication to operate smoothly. Our technicians apply the appropriate lubricants to minimize friction and reduce wear.
  4. Tuning: During a maintenance visit, our technicians can make adjustments to your air conditioning system to optimize its performance, ensuring optimal cooling and energy efficiency.

Benefits of Regular Air Conditioning Maintenance

Routine air conditioning maintenance offers numerous advantages for homeowners, such as:

  1. Improved Efficiency: Regular maintenance helps your air conditioning system run more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and lowering your monthly utility bills.
  2. Prolonged System Lifespan: Properly maintained air conditioning systems are less prone to breakdowns and costly repairs, leading to a longer lifespan for your system.
  3. Enhanced Performance: Routine maintenance ensures your air conditioning system’s optimal performance, providing consistent cooling and improved indoor air quality.
  4. Reduced Repair Costs: Regular maintenance can detect potential issues early on, preventing more severe problems and expensive repairs in the future.

Identifying the Right Maintenance Schedule

To maintain your air conditioning system’s efficiency and reliability, you should establish a regular maintenance schedule. Factors that can help you determine the appropriate schedule include:

  1. System Age: Older air conditioning systems may require more frequent maintenance to ensure optimal performance.
  2. Usage: If your air conditioning system is heavily used during the summer months, it may require more frequent maintenance.
  3. Environmental Factors: The presence of dust, pollen, or other environmental factors can impact the cleanliness and efficiency of your system, necessitating more frequent maintenance.
  4. Manufacturer Recommendations: Consulting your system’s manufacturer guidelines can provide valuable information on suggested maintenance schedules.

Our technicians can also help you determine the ideal maintenance schedule suited to your individual needs and system requirements.

Trust Our Experts for Your Air Conditioning Maintenance Needs

We have earned a reputation for superior air conditioning maintenance services in the Portland, OR, area, with several factors setting us apart from the competition:

  1. Expertise: Our skilled technicians possess extensive knowledge and experience in handling various air conditioning systems, ensuring the highest quality maintenance services.
  2. Comprehensive Services: We provide a full range of air conditioning maintenance services, covering everything from inspections and cleaning to tuning and part replacements, delivering a one-stop solution for your cooling needs.
  3. Customer Focus: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We offer personalized service and expert guidance to ensure your air conditioning maintenance experience is smooth and successful.

Protect Your Investment with Regular Air Conditioning Maintenance 

Regular air conditioning maintenance is essential to maintain the comfort of your home, the efficiency of your system, and the longevity of your investment. Trust D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling to provide expert HVAC services in Beaverton, OR, tailored to your individual needs. With our skilled technicians and commitment to customer satisfaction, you can rest assured that your air conditioning system is in good hands. Don’t wait until problems arise – contact us today to schedule an air conditioning maintenance appointment and experience the benefits of regular maintenance for yourself.

Discover the Benefits of Mini-Split Systems for Efficient Home Comfort

mini split

Traditional heating and cooling systems can fall short when it comes to providing efficient, zoned comfort control within your home. In certain situations, like room additions, conversions, or poorly insulated spaces, relying solely on your central HVAC system may lead to inadequate temperature regulation, resulting in discomfort and energy waste. Thankfully, there is an innovative, energy-efficient solution available that can resolve these issues and improve overall home comfort: the mini-split systems.

Mini-split systems consist of individual air-handling units connected to an outdoor compressor, offering targeted temperature control within specific areas of your home. By installing these systems, you can personalize your home’s comfort levels, avoiding inconsistencies and ensuring each room meets your family’s temperature preferences. D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling specializes in designing, installing, and maintaining mini-split systems, offering customized solutions to enhance your home’s comfort and efficiency in Portland, OR, and the surrounding areas.

Stay tuned as we discuss the advantages of mini-split systems, explore their applications and benefits, and explain the importance of professional installation and maintenance services. Trust our knowledgeable technicians to provide outstanding mini-split system services that cater to your specific home comfort needs and preferences.

Advantages of Mini-Split Systems for Personalized Comfort

There are several benefits to using mini split systems in conjunction with your central heating and cooling system, making them a popular choice among homeowners:

  1. Zoned Temperature Control: Mini-split systems enable you to set different temperatures in various rooms or areas of your home, ensuring personalized comfort and eliminating temperature inconsistencies.
  2. Energy Efficiency: By controlling the temperature in specific zones, mini-split systems help reduce energy waste from heating or cooling unoccupied spaces, ultimately lowering your energy bills.
  3. Easy Installation: Mini-split systems comprise an indoor air-handling unit and an outdoor compressor, with a small conduit connecting them. This simplicity and compactness make installation easier and less invasive compared to traditional heating and cooling systems.
  4. Flexible Placement: With options for wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted, or floor-standing units, mini-split systems can be installed virtually anywhere to suit your home’s layout and aesthetics.

Applications and Suitability of Mini Split Systems in Your Home

Mini split systems are an excellent solution for a variety of home situations:

  1. Room Additions: When expanding your home’s square footage with a new room, a mini-split system can provide targeted heating and cooling without the need for extensive ductwork modifications.
  2. Room Conversions: For spaces repurposed into living areas, such as garages, basements, or attics, mini-split systems can ensure these areas are adequately heated or cooled without overburdening your central HVAC system.
  3. Poorly Insulated Rooms: If your home has a room with inadequate insulation resulting in temperature inconsistencies, a mini-split system can help maintain comfort without wasting energy by overworking your central system.
  4. Supplementing Central HVAC: In homes where the central HVAC system does not provide satisfactory temperature control, mini-split systems can supplement comfort levels.

Importance of Professional Installation and Maintenance

To get the most out of your mini-split system investment, it is essential to rely on professional installation and maintenance services:

  1. Proper Sizing and Placement: Our technicians have the expertise to accurately size and strategically place your mini-split system for optimal performance and energy efficiency.
  2. Efficient and Safe Installation: Our skilled professionals will ensure your mini-split system is installed correctly, addressing any potential safety hazards and efficiently configuring the system for maximum performance.
  3. Routine Maintenance: Regular maintenance services, such as cleaning filters, checking refrigerant levels, and inspecting electrical connections, ensure the longevity and efficiency of your mini-split system, preventing the need for costly repairs down the line.
  4. Prompt Repairs: Our technicians can quickly diagnose and address any issues with your mini-split system, ensuring minimal disruption to your home’s comfort.

Upgrading to a Mini-Split AC for Targeted Cooling Solutions

For homeowners seeking targeted cooling solutions during the warmer months, a mini-split AC system can function as an excellent alternative or addition to your current air conditioning setup:

  1. Energy Savings: Installing a mini-split AC in specific areas reduces the need for cooling your entire home, resulting in reduced energy consumption and lower monthly energy costs.
  2. Compact Design: Mini-split AC units’ slim and compact design enables them to be installed practically anywhere for targeted cooling, making them a versatile option for various applications and room layouts.
  3. Quiet Operation: Unlike traditional window or portable air conditioners, mini-split AC systems work quietly, ensuring minimal disruption to your home environment.

Enhance Your Home’s Comfort and Efficiency with Our Experts

Mini-split systems offer a targeted and energy-efficient approach to managing your home’s heating and cooling needs. With their versatility and personalized temperature control, these systems can significantly improve your home’s overall comfort. Trust our experts at D&F Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling to provide superior mini-split system design, installation, and maintenance services in Portland, OR, and surrounding areas. Contact us today to discuss your home comfort needs and explore how mini-split systems can be customized to match your requirements, ensuring an efficient and comfortable living environment throughout the year.

How to Install a Nest Thermostat in your Portland Home [Hassle-Free Guide]

Ready to tap into the magic of smart home living? Swapping out your old thermostat for a shiny new Google Nest Learning Thermostat can transform your home’s HVAC system!

It’s more than just a pretty Nest logo; this smart thermostat learns your preferences and optimizes your home’s heating and cooling systems for supreme comfort and energy efficiency.

While common problems may crop up when you install a Nest thermostat, our easy troubleshooting steps will ensure your heating and cooling system runs smoothly.

So say goodbye to your existing thermostat, and get ready to embrace the smart, energy-efficient world of Nest thermostats!

Nest Quick Guide

Questions like “Can I install a Nest thermostat myself?” or “Do you need an electrician to install a Nest thermostat?” are common. The answers are, yes and maybe…

If you’re comfortable with some basic DIY, you’ll probably be ok! But remember, an incorrect wiring job can lead to performance issues.

Here’s a quick overview of Nest compatibility and wiring:

  • Nest is compatible with most HVAC systems.
  • Nest typically requires 2-6 wires for installation.
  • A C wire may or may not be necessary. If you do need one, you could get a C-wire adapter.
  • DIY installation is possible, but professional installing is recommended for optimal performance.
  • The 3rd generation Nest thermostat is wireless and user-friendly.

If all of this is making your head spin, our expert Nest HVAC technicians are happy to handle all the wiring and configuration for you, so you don’t have to worry about a thing! Contact the Plaid Pros here.

Step-by-Step Nest Thermostat Installation Process

Whether you’re a seasoned DIY-er or a first-timer, we’re here to make the Nest installation process as smooth as a Willamette Valley Pinot Noir.

Here are the steps to install a Nest thermostat:

Step 1: Open the box and check its contents

Like a kid on Christmas morning, rip into that box (okay, maybe gently open it) and lay out all the goodies. You should find your shiny new Nest thermostat, a Nest screwdriver, a trim plate, a mounting bracket, and some screws. It’s like a DIY party in a box!

Step 2: Connect the Nest thermostat to Wi-Fi and complete the setup

Now, it’s time to get techy. Grab your smartphone and download the Nest app here. Follow the prompts to connect your Nest thermostat to your home’s Wi-Fi network. It’s like setting up a new social media account but for your thermostat.

Step 3: Remove your old thermostat

Before you can install your Google Nest, you need to say goodbye to your old thermostat. Turn off the power to your HVAC system for safety, then carefully remove the old device. It’s like pulling off a Band-Aid – quick and painless!

Person removing old thermostat to replace with Nest thermostat

Step 4: The installing process

Now, let’s get down to business. Take the Nest base and hold it up to the wall where your old thermostat was. Use the built-in level to make sure it’s straight, then mark the screw holes. It’s like hanging a picture, but way cooler.

Step 5: Install the Nest display and power up

Attach the wires to the Nest base as per the wiring diagram, then click the Nest display onto the base. Turn the power back on and watch your Nest Learning thermostat come to life. It’s like watching a robot wake up!

Step 6: Mount Google Nest

Now, secure your Nest to the wall with the included screws. If there’s a gap between the Nest and the wall, use the trim plate for a clean look. It’s like putting the final piece of a puzzle in place.

Step 7: Connect wires and attach the Nest thermostat’s base and trim plate

Follow the wiring diagram in the Nest app to connect the wires to the right terminals. Then, attach the Nest thermostat’s base and trim plate. It’s like playing a high-stakes game of connect-the-dots, but don’t worry, the app’s got your back.

Step 8: Celebrate!

You’ve successfully installed a Google Nest thermostat in your Portland or Vancouver home.

If you’re a visual learner, check out a YouTube Nest thermostat installation video or a Google Nest installation video for further guidance.

Remember, this is a journey, not a race, so take your time, follow each step, and soon you’ll be basking in the energy-efficient, climate-controlled glory of your new Nest Thermostat!

Person checking temperature on phone

Compatibility and Wiring

Does the thought of wiring make you start to sweat? We’re here to shed light on the wiring mysteries of the Nest Learning Thermostat!

Nest: A Friend to Most Systems

How do you know if the Nest Learning Thermostat is compatible with your HVAC system? Nest has been designed with broad compatibility in mind. Whether you live in a charming historic home in Laurelhurst, a contemporary high-rise in Downtown Portland, or a rural farmhouse outside of Vancouver, WA, the Nest syncs seamlessly with most 24 V HVAC systems, including older models.

These smart devices aren’t picky about their fuel types; they work equally well with natural gas, oil, and electrical heaters and air conditioners.

Setup Guidance: The Nest App

Think of the Nest app as your friendly neighborhood guide. During setup, it walks you through the compatibility process and even offers a personalized wiring guide tailored to your new thermostat. Before you make the purchase, check out Nest’s online Compatibility Checker for a head start here.

The C-Wire Conundrum

Do you need a C-wire to install a Nest thermostat? Not necessarily. Some older systems might need this common wire, but many don’t. A c-wire is a wire that connects the furnace and thermostat. You can check which wires you have by looking behind the cover of your current thermostat.

If you’re still unsure, visit or our expert Nest HVAC technicians can assist you.

Nest Generations: Spotting the Difference

Trying to figure out the difference between the 2nd and 3rd generation Nest thermostats? The 3rd gen boasts a slimmer profile and more color options. And yes, the Nest 3rd generation thermostat is wireless, adding to your convenience!

Troubleshooting and Common Issues with Nest Learning Thermostat

Your Nest thermostat is usually an efficient, dependable creature. But even these smart gizmos may occasionally throw a tantrum. Whether your Nest thermostat is not cooling your space or refusing to wake up from its digital slumber, we’ve got some handy tips to soothe your tech-savvy beast back to health:

My Nest Thermostat is Not Cooling

Ah, a warm Portland summer afternoon and your Nest thermostat not cooling — that’s an uncomfortable combo!

Try these tips:

  • Double-check your cooling schedule. Maybe it’s set to a higher temperature than you thought.
  • If you’ve recently installed the Nest, ensure the wires are properly connected.
  • The Nest might be in delay mode. Wait for a few minutes, and if it still isn’t cooling, it’s time to call in the HVAC pros!

Nest Thermostat Not Turning On

You’ve tried the sweet-talking, the stern voice, and even a lullaby, but your Nest thermostat won’t turn on? Before you panic:

  • Check the circuit breaker and ensure it’s not tripped.
  • Make sure your Nest is charged. A dead battery could be the culprit.
  • If it’s still not turning on, it may need a professional touch.

Nest Thermostat Blinking Red

If your Nest thermostat starts blinking red, it’s like a neon sign saying, “I’m low on power!” As long as the connection is good, it should be charging. So wait and let it recharge for a bit.

How to Troubleshoot Nest Thermostat

Still facing issues? Here are some general troubleshooting steps:

  • Restart the thermostat.
  • Make sure your home Wi-Fi is working.
  • Update the Nest app.

Common problems with a Nest thermostat are typically rare, and a well-installed Nest is a happy Nest. But when in doubt, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Plaid Pros for guidance!

Benefits of Nest Thermostat for your Heating and Cooling System

Feeling chilly on those misty Portland mornings? Or perhaps a little too warm during the balmy Vancouver summer afternoons? The solution isn’t cranking up the heat or the AC—it’s about smarter control. Enter the Nest Thermostat, your HVAC system’s new best friend.

A Google Nest Learning Thermostat isn’t like most thermostats. It does more than just regulate temperature — it learns your habits and preferences. Imagine a thermostat that knows you prefer a cooler house at night, or that you’re away every Tuesday and adjusts your heating and cooling system accordingly. Think of it as your personal energy-saving butler, always on duty to ensure maximum comfort with optimal energy usage!

Here are just a few benefits that make the Nest thermostat installation a worthwhile investment for Portland and Vancouver homeowners:

  • Learning capabilities: Your new Nest Learning Thermostat gets smarter every day, learning your patterns to create a personalized heating and cooling schedule for your home.
  • Remote control: Away from home and forgot to adjust the temperature? No worries! The Nest app on your smartphone lets you control your thermostat from anywhere.
  • Energy saving: By fine-tuning your energy usage, the Nest thermostat helps you save on utility bills — keeping your wallet and the environment happy.

A well-functioning heating and cooling system isn’t just about hardware — it’s also about control. And that’s exactly what Nest thermostats deliver.

Ready to bid farewell to your old thermostat? Trust us, once you install a Google Nest Learning Thermostat, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!

Enjoy the perfect indoor climate year-round, even with our unpredictable Pacific Northwest weather…

Homeowner adjusting smart thermostat

Should You Hire a Professional Thermostat Installer?

Okay, Portlanders and Vancouverites, now that you’re pumped about the energy-saving, comfort-boosting benefits of Nest thermostats, let’s chat about installing it…

Sure, DIY is great for brewing kombucha or planting that vegetable garden, but when it comes to your home’s smart thermostat, professional installation is key for optimal performance.

Think of it this way — your Nest thermostat is like a virtuoso violinist, and your home’s HVAC system is the grand symphony hall. You need a seasoned conductor to make sure they’re in perfect harmony, and that’s where a professional thermostat installer comes in.

Benefits of Hiring A Pro to Install Thermostat Nest

  • Precision: With extensive training and experience, professional thermostat installers know the ins and outs of your Nest thermostat, ensuring accurate and efficient setup.
  • Safety: Besides the frustration of fussing with electrical wiring, DIY thermostat installation can be a safety hazard. Professional installers are trained to work with your home’s electrical system and follow local safety codes.
  • Time-saving: Hiring a pro means getting your Nest thermostat up and running faster, so you can start enjoying the benefits sooner.
  • Performance: Professional installers will be able to guarantee high standards of workmanship, enhancing the longevity and performance of both your Nest thermostat and your HVAC system.

Choosing a Smart Thermostat Installer

At D&F Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling, we’re not just any thermostat installation services, we’re your local, reliable Nest thermostat experts, right here in Portland and Vancouver. We’re family-owned and operated, and our Plaid Pros have been serving the area since 1927.

No need to search for “smart thermostat installers near me” — just contact us now. We offer same-day and next-day availability so you can have your system running at peak performance in no time!

Now, if you love a good DIY project and want detailed instructions on how to replace your existing thermostat or install your Google Nest thermostat, keep reading. Because we’ll dig into all the nest supplies you need and help you get this smart technology integrated into your home.


HVAC technician working on mini split

Secure Your Comfort with HVAC Services Near Portland and Vancouver

Your journey through the labyrinth of Nest thermostats ends here. From unveiling the features of this smart gadget to understanding the installation process and troubleshooting common issues, we’ve walked through every twist and turn together.

But if you’re still running into problems with your thermostat or HVAC system, the plaid-clad pros at D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling are just a phone call away, waiting to take the hassle out of your smart thermostat installation near you!

So, if you’re in the greater Portland, OR, or Vancouver, WA area, contact us by filling out the form below. We’ll transform your house into a smart home, where comfort and technology exist in perfect harmony to save you money and make life easier!

Signs Your AC Needs Replacement

this old air conditioner shows signs of needing to be replaced

this old air conditioner shows signs of needing to be replaced With certain things it’s easy to know when it’s time for a replacement. For example, the bristles on your toothbrush get scraggly or your brake pads start making a high-pitched whining as you back down your driveway. But how are you supposed to know when it’s time to replace your air conditioner?

On one hand, you don’t want to be wasteful and retire your existing AC if it still has a lot of life left. On the other, you’ll want to upgrade before it gets old and the breakdowns start becoming more frequent. Plus, newer units are much more energy-efficient. So, when is the best time to replace an aging AC? It’s not an exact science, but in this blog, we’ll share some signs that your air conditioner needs replacement.

Are There Obvious Signs That Your AC Needs Replacement?

Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was some definitive way you could tell that your air conditioner had reached retirement age? Like, it lit up a flashing neon sign that said “I’m permanently broken”? Or it started leaving Werther’s Originals wrappers all over the place? 

Unfortunately, the signs are rarely so obvious, so here are 7 subtle signs that you might want to consider replacing your AC:

    1. Age: If an old person ever tells you, “age is just a number,” just keep your lips zipped. There’s no need to shatter that dream. When it comes to your AC, however, age matters. Most AC systems start getting squirrely at about 10 to 15 years old. Breakdowns become more frequent, repairs get more expensive.
    2. Reduced efficiency: Has your energy bill gone up recently? Those fat cats over at the power utility might have raised prices again, or it might be your AC. We mentioned it before but it bears repeating: your air conditioner is among the most expensive appliances in your home to operate. Don’t underestimate the effect that a loss in efficiency can have on your energy bill. That’s why air conditioner maintenance in the spring is always a good idea.
    3. Uneven cooling: Your air conditioner system was designed to cool the whole house uniformly. If it struggles to do so, you might find yourself turning the thermostat lower to compensate. This can put strain on your system and cause your energy bill to surge.
    4. Frequent repairs: There’s nothing worse than an AC component failing, getting it fixed, only for a different component to fail next month and cause another breakdown. But that’s what happens. Your air conditioner has many components, all of which become less reliable as they age.
    5. Unusual noises: You know what your air conditioner sounds like normally. If you hear anything out of the ordinary, like a ratting, clanging, or louder-than-usual-volume, it’s a clear sign that something isn’t working and it’s time for either a repair or replacement. Think of it this way: if your AC is coughin’, it might be time for the coffin.
    6. Poor indoor air quality: Does something smell funny? Your air conditioner may be to blame. Not only that, but it might also be affecting the indoor air quality in your home.
    7. Leaking refrigerant: Are you having to recharge your air conditioner with freon frequently? You might have a leak in your system. These can be harmful to the environment and, depending on the nature of the leak, costly. Sometimes, it makes more sense to replace the AC rather than fix the leak.

An HVAC Offer You Can’t Refuse

Imagine your previously reliable AC suddenly breaks down and you’re confronted with a higher-than-expected repair bill. Should you pony up for the repair or spring for a replacement? Our general guidance is that if your AC is about ten to 15 years old and the repair is about 50% of the cost of a new one, consider getting the new one.

This summer, however, the math is different. With savings in the form of tax credits offered by the Inflation Reduction Act, the decision to upgrade is a lot easier than you think. Check out these tax credits for individual HVAC and water heater upgrades:

Additionally, households can qualify for a maximum of up to $8,000 for a heat pump space heater system! What are you waiting for? Sure, we get it, you’ve had some great times with your old AC. You’ve been through a lot together. But this isn’t personal – it’s business. It’s time to send your old AC to sleep with the fishes.

What is the Best Month to Replace Your AC?

If you’re already aware that your air conditioner has one foot in the grave, don’t prolong the inevitable. Get it replaced in March, April, or May – before the weather really starts heating up. That way you get to enjoy your new AC and its energy-saving efficiency all summer long.

Of course, you don’t always know that your air conditioner is about to kick the bucket. So, if your air conditioner breaks down in August, then August is by far the best month to get it replaced. Air conditioner breakdowns do tend to be more common at the height of summer, though, which can lead to greater demand. Replacing your air conditioner during the spring means you don’t have to wait to get on the AC repair company’s schedule during the busy summer months.

Replace Your AC System This Summer with D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling!

With the government tax credits available and the mercury rising in the Portland area, one could argue that this is the greatest time in human history to get an AC replaced. Think back on everything that has happened for civilization to lead us here. Homo sapiens invent the wheel. Hammurabi writes his code of laws. The Roman Empire. The Renaissance. The War of 1812. The Wright Brothers take flight at Kittyhawk. All of it… culminating in your state-of-the-art new air conditioner.

Don’t miss out on this veritable Golden Age of air conditioner replacements – call the experienced HVAC experts at D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling today.

Summer is a Marathon, Not a Sprint: Get Your AC Ready for Warm Weather

Imagine being signed up for a marathon. The date is fast approaching and there’s little doubt in your mind that you’re going to run. Unfortunately, there is a problem. You’ve done absolutely zero training or exercise in the past eight or nine months. Your plan is to simply roll out of bed on the morning of the marathon and pull up your jogging shorts, hoping for the best. Sound like a good formula for success? If you are shaking your head no, remember that this is essentially what you’re asking your air conditioning system to do this summer.

Don’t let an out-of-shape air conditioning system go unprepared into the hot season ahead. Let’s talk about why now is the best time for getting your A/C ready for warmer weather.

Is May the Best Month for A/C Maintenance Service?

There are going to be many hot days this summer and you’re going to want your air conditioner available for all of them. An out-of-shape AC is at the greatest risk of going kaput precisely at the worst time – say, at the height of a heatwave. Think of it this way: the hotter it is, the harder your AC has to work. This adds strain, which causes components to fail and the machine to break down.

March, April, May and June are the best months for air conditioning maintenance. In other words, get it taken care of in the spring, before summer starts. 

D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling’s experienced air conditioning technicians put your AC system through a comprehensive assessment. We perform any necessary adjustments, so it’s tuned up and ready to give the greatest summer performance since Woodstock ‘69.

How Can AC Maintenance Save Money on Energy Costs?

Avoiding a potential breakdown at the worst possible time isn’t the only reason to get AC maintenance this spring. It not only lowers the risk of breakdown, but it also allows the AC to cool the whole house much more efficiently. And since your air conditioner is one of the most expensive appliances in you home to run, even a small boost in efficiency can make a noticeable difference on your monthly power bill.

Schedule air conditioner maintenance service as early in the season as possible because the earlier you get it taken care of, the greater the cost-savings on your energy bill. It’s still worth considering in June or even July or August, but for those who want to get the most bang for their buck we definitely recommend sooner rather than later.

Replace Your Old AC with a New Energy-Efficient System

“To replace or repair your AC… that is the question.” And for those confronted with a hefty AC repair bill, it can indeed be quite the Shakespearan quandary.

We recommend that if your AC is about 15 years or older and the repair bill is 50% of the cost of replacing it with a new one, get the replacement. Air conditioners also tend to be less reliable as they get older, so more repairs could be on the way.

Newer air conditioners are much more energy-efficient than models made a decade or more ago, which can help offset some of the expense of the replacement, but that’s not the only way a replacement AC system can save you money…

Do Your Part to Help Reduce Inflation and Get a Sweet Cash Rebate

If you’re considering replacing your old clunker of an AC, here’s a big incentive. Have you heard of the Inflation Reduction Act? As the name suggests, the goal is reducing rampant inflation. It was signed into law in 2022 and one of the ways it aims to accomplish this goal is by promoting clean energy and energy efficiency here in the U.S.A.

It offers a variety of savings options, but one of the biggest is $8,000 to upgrade to a heat pump system. If you’ve never used a heat pump before, it’s a versatile, energy-efficient system. The coolest thing about a heat pump is that it acts as an air conditioner in the summer and a heater in the winter. That’s one machine doing the job of two and doing both of them quite effectively.

Check out our previous post for more information about how D&F and the Inflation Reduction Act can help save you on home upgrades.

Call D&F Today & Get Your A/C Set for Summer!

A little preparation goes a long way. And running a marathon without any prep isn’t just a harebrained idea – it’s dangerous. Don’t try it – and don’t force your air conditioner to huff and puff through another hot Portland summer. It can result in a broken A/C, and a hefty repair bill.

Now is the perfect time to schedule summertime A/C maintenance, so give D&F a call now!