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Local 290 Journeyman Plumbers

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Local 290 Journeyman Plumbers

Why are Journeyman Plumbers better? The years of experience required to become a licensed journeyman plumber varies by state, but ranges from two to five years. After obtaining the prerequisite experience, plumbers may apply for a journeyman’s license.

Most states, and some cities, require an aspiring journeyman plumber to pass a test to demonstrate knowledge of local codes as well as general plumbing knowledge. The applicant might have to provide documentation proving previous work experience.

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All Of Our Plumbers Belong To Local 290

Before our plumbers took state journeyman licensing exams, they completed all of the following requirements to fulfill the Local 290 apprentice program;

  • 8,000 training hours and 1,080 school hours total.
  • Passing of the UA STAR exam.
  • Upon successfully passing the UA STAR exam, apprentices are referred to the Building Codes Division for State exams.
  • Once all exams are successfully completed, the apprentice is re-rated to journeyman.
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friendly staff members?

Give us a call or schedule an appointment, we’ll happy to assist!

State Journeyman Plumber Requirements

  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Four years/3,000 hours of plumbing experience or completion of an approved apprenticeship program
  • Qualified in the following skills;

Drains and vents/sewers, water supply/backflow prevention, code, general knowledge, installation practices/methods materials, special wastes/roof drains, fixtures/trim, excavation, inspection/test/permits, mathematics, pressure, volume, grade, offsets.

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