Why Residential Leak Detection Services Are Essential


Water leaks can be more than just a nuisance; they can cause significant damage to our homes if left unchecked. Even a small leak, if ignored, can lead to costly repairs and severe structural issues. That’s why understanding the importance of residential leak detection services is vital for maintaining the integrity of our property and ensuring a safe living environment.

Undetected leaks can weaken the structure of our home over time. Water seeping into walls, floors, and foundations can cause wood to rot, metal to corrode, and, eventually, structural instability. The damage might not be immediately visible, but over time, it can compromise the safety and durability of our home, making regular leak detection an essential preventive measure.

Another critical concern with undetected leaks is the growth of mold and mildew. These fungi thrive in damp environments and can quickly spread throughout our home, leading not only to unpleasant odors but also to potential health risks for our family. Mold can exacerbate allergies and respiratory problems, making it vital to address leaks promptly. Residential leak detection services help us identify and repair leaks early, preventing mold growth and maintaining a healthy living space.

Understanding the Risks of Undetected Leaks

Potential Structural Damage

One of the most serious risks of undetected leaks is the potential for structural damage. Water can seep into the foundational elements of our home, weakening its integrity over time. Wooden beams, for example, can rot when exposed to moisture, causing them to lose their strength and stability. Metal components like pipes and supports can become corroded, leading to rust and eventual structural failure. Even concrete foundations can crack and become unstable due to prolonged exposure to water. Addressing leaks early helps prevent extensive damage and costly repairs.

Mold and Mildew Growth

Another significant risk posed by undetected leaks is the growth of mold and mildew. These fungi thrive in damp environments and can spread quickly throughout our home. Mold spores can embed themselves into walls, ceilings, and floors, leading to unsightly stains and a musty odor. More importantly, mold can have serious health implications, especially for those with allergies or respiratory issues. Inhaling mold spores can exacerbate asthma, cause allergic reactions, and affect overall indoor air quality. Early leak detection and repair help us maintain a healthier living environment by preventing mold and mildew growth.

Signs You Might Have a Leak

Unexplained Increase in Water Bills

A sudden, unexplained increase in our water bills can be a clear indicator of a hidden leak. If our water usage patterns haven’t changed but our bills have spiked, it’s a sign that water might be escaping somewhere in our plumbing system. Monitoring our water bills closely can help us detect leaks early before they cause significant damage.

Damp or Discolored Walls and Ceilings

Damp or discolored walls and ceilings are often telltale signs of hidden leaks. Water can seep into the drywall, causing it to become saturated and leading to discoloration. These stains are usually yellowish or brownish and can spread over time. Additionally, walls and ceilings that feel damp to the touch indicate moisture buildup, which should be addressed immediately to prevent further damage.

Musty Odors

Musty odors are another indicator that we might have a leak. These smells are often caused by mold and mildew growing in hidden, damp areas of our home. If we notice a persistent musty smell, it’s essential to investigate the source and check for leaks. Even if mold isn’t visible, the odor itself is a strong sign that moisture is present and needs to be addressed. Detecting these issues early helps us maintain a clean and healthy living environment.

DIY Tips for Detecting Leaks at Home

Checking Water Meter Readings

One effective way to detect leaks at home is by checking the water meter readings. This process involves turning off all water sources in the house and then noting the water meter reading. After leaving the water turned off for about an hour, check the meter again. If the reading has changed, it’s a clear indication that there is a leak somewhere in the plumbing system. Regularly monitoring the water meter helps us catch leaks early, preventing potential damage.

Inspecting Faucets and Fixtures

Another DIY tip is to inspect faucets and fixtures for any signs of leaks. Look for water pooling around the base of faucets, damp spots under sinks, and drips from showerheads or taps. Even small drips can add up over time, wasting water and potentially causing damage. Tightening connections and replacing worn-out washers can often fix these minor issues and prevent them from becoming more significant problems.

Listening to Unusual Sounds

Listening to unusual sounds can also help us detect leaks. If we hear hissing, trickling, or dripping sounds when water isn’t being used, it might indicate a hidden leak. These sounds often come from pipe joints or areas where the plumbing system is located behind walls or under floors. Paying attention to these auditory clues can help us identify and address leaks before they cause extensive damage.

Benefits of Professional Leak Detection Services

Accurate and Efficient Leak Identification

Professional leak detection services offer accurate and efficient identification of leaks. Our professionals use advanced tools and techniques, such as acoustic listening devices and thermal imaging cameras, to pinpoint the exact location of leaks. This precision allows for targeted repairs, reducing the likelihood of unnecessary damage to walls, floors, or plumbing systems. Expert diagnosis ensures that we address the root cause of the issue effectively.

Minimizing Water Waste and Damage

Early detection by professionals helps minimize water waste and damage. Undetected leaks can lead to substantial water wastage, increasing utility bills and depleting valuable resources. Additionally, water damage can compromise the structural integrity of our home and lead to mold growth. Professional services ensure that leaks are detected and repaired promptly, preserving our water supply and protecting our property from extensive damage.

Peace of Mind and Long-Term Savings

Engaging professional leak detection services provides peace of mind and long-term savings. Knowing that our plumbing system is thoroughly inspected and any leaks are promptly addressed gives us confidence in the safety and longevity of our home. Preventing major repairs and reducing water bills contribute to significant cost savings over time. Regular professional inspections are a wise investment, keeping our home in optimal condition and ensuring our peace of mind.


Understanding the risks of undetected leaks, recognizing the signs, and taking proactive steps can protect our home from severe damage. DIY maintenance tips are helpful, but professional leak detection services provide comprehensive and accurate solutions. By identifying leaks early and addressing them promptly, we can prevent structural damage, mold growth, and wasted water. Investing in professional services is essential for maintaining the safety and integrity of our home.

For expert leak detection in Oregon City, OR, contact D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling. Our team of professionals is equipped with the latest technology to accurately identify and efficiently repair leaks. Ensure the protection and longevity of your home by scheduling a service with us today.

5 Common Commercial Plumbing Repairs Business Owners Should Be Aware Of

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Commercial plumbing systems are complex and play a critical role in the day-to-day operations of any business establishment. As a business owner, being proactive in identifying and addressing common plumbing issues can save you time and resources in the long run. In this article, we will outline the top 5 commercial plumbing repairs that business owners should be aware of and act upon. By understanding these plumbing challenges, you can take the necessary steps to prevent them and maintain smooth operations at your facility.

D&F Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling has been a trusted choice for commercial plumbing services in Portland, OR, and surrounding areas since 1927. With a team of licensed, experienced professionals, we provide comprehensive plumbing solutions to address all your commercial plumbing repair needs. Keep reading to learn about the most common commercial plumbing issues and how D&F Plumbing can help keep your Portland business up and running.

1. Clogged Drains and Sewer Lines

Clogged drains and sewer lines are among the most common commercial plumbing issues. Grease, debris, and foreign objects can accumulate over time, causing blockages in your plumbing system. This can result in slow-draining sinks, toilets, and floor drains that negatively impact your business operations. Regular drain cleaning and maintenance can help prevent such blockages and the subsequent need for repairs.

Commercial-grade drain cleaning and hydro-jetting services offered by D&F Plumbing can effectively clear blockages and restore proper drainage. If sewer line blockages persist, a video camera inspection (source: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-11/documents/green_infrastructure_-_sewer_video_inspection.pdf) can help identify the problem and determine the best course of action.

2. Leaking Fixtures and Pipes

Leaks in commercial plumbing systems can cause significant water wastage and potentially damage your property. Faucets, toilets, and other fixtures can deteriorate over time, leading to dripping or leaking issues. Moreover, pipes can develop leaks due to age, wear, and corrosion, contributing to increased water bills and potential property damage.

Regular plumbing inspections can help identify leaks early on and facilitate prompt repairs by replacing faulty fixtures or patching up pipes. For severe issues, repiping services by D&F Plumbing can ensure a reliable and long-lasting plumbing system for your commercial space.

3. Water Heater Problems

Commercial water heaters are essential for providing hot water to your business operations. A malfunctioning or inefficient water heater can disrupt your daily activities and even pose health and safety risks. Common issues include sediment buildup, temperature fluctuations, and leaks.

To prevent water heater issues, schedule regular maintenance and inspections with D&F Plumbing. We can flush out sediment, check the heating elements, and address any other problems that may arise. We can also recommend and install a new commercial water heater best suited to your specific needs.

4. Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is a common complaint among business owners and can cause inconveniences to staff and customers. There are several reasons for low water pressure, including blocked pipes, leaks, poorly sized supply lines, and malfunctioning pressure-reducing valves. In some cases, low water pressure can indicate a more serious problem in your plumbing system, such as a fractured or collapsed pipe.

D&F Plumbing can help identify the cause of low water pressure and recommend appropriate solutions. This may involve repairing or replacing damaged valves, pipes, or other components to restore optimal water pressure throughout your facility.

5. Backflow Issues

Backflow occurs when water flows in the opposite direction in your plumbing system, causing contamination of your potable water supply. This can pose a serious health risk to employees and customers. Commercial properties typically have backflow prevention devices installed to avoid this issue. However, these devices can fail due to wear, improper installation, or damage.

Regular inspection and testing of your backflow prevention devices by certified D&F Plumbing professionals help ensure they function correctly and protect your water supply. If any issues are detected, we can perform necessary repairs or install a new backflow prevention system.

Preventative Maintenance for Commercial Plumbing

To avoid the need for costly repairs and minimize disruption to your business operations, consider implementing a preventative maintenance plan for your commercial plumbing system. D&F Plumbing provides customized maintenance plans tailored to the specific needs of your business, including:

– Regular drain cleaning and hydro-jetting services

– Inspection and testing of backflow prevention devices

– Water heater maintenance and inspection

– Leak detection and pipe inspection

– Valve maintenance and replacement

– Fixture inspection and repair

By investing in a preventative maintenance plan, you can proactively address potential issues before they escalate, prolong the lifespan of your plumbing system, and ensure consistently smooth operations at your facility.

Emergency Plumbing Repairs for Your Business

Despite proactive maintenance, plumbing emergencies can still occur. In such cases, it is essential to have a reliable plumbing provider on call to minimize damage and downtime. D&F Plumbing offersemergency plumbing services to promptly address unforeseen issues and get your business back on track quickly and efficiently.

Partner with D&F Plumbing for Your Commercial Plumbing Needs

Being aware of the most common commercial plumbing repair issues can help you take proactive measures to ensure the smooth functioning of your plumbing system and maintain uninterrupted business operations. By investing in regular maintenance and inspections, you can identify potential problems early on and address them with professional help. Partner with D&F Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling for comprehensive commercial plumbing solutions in Portland, OR, and surrounding areas, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your facility is in expert hands.

Don’t let plumbing issues impact your business – take action today. Contact D&F Plumbing for reliable and professional commercial plumbing repair and maintenance services. Schedule an appointment for an inspection or discuss a customized maintenance plan tailored to your business’ specific needs. With D&F Plumbing’s skilled team by your side, you can focus on growing your business while they take care of your plumbing system.

Treacherous Trees: How Tree Roots Affect Your Sewer Line

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a plumbing pipe inundated with tree roots that needs replacementHere in the Pacific Northwest, we like to think of trees as our friends and neighbors. After all, like a dear friend, they’re always there for you, and they give great hugs. But did you know that the trees in your yard may be plotting against you? It’s true. Oh, they might look like they’re innocent, but deep down they want nothing more than to sneak into your pipes and turn your plumbing system into their drinking straw. BAD TREES, bad! 

If you’ve never had tree roots invade your plumbing before, consider yourself lucky. It’s a surprisingly common problem – and it can lead to huge consequences if not addressed. So today, let’s talk about how tree roots can affect your sewer line.

The First Sign: Frequent Clogging

Here’s a common scenario that plays out all too often. A homeowner calls a plumber for a clog. The plumber comes out and snakes or hydro jets the drain. After that, the basin drains much faster. The problem seemingly resolved, the plumber leaves. But the problem wasn’t resolved – the tree roots are still there.

Sure, the basin is draining faster. This is likely because there was some gunk to be removed that had slowed the flow of water, but since the tree roots are still causing an obstruction further down the line, the clog will return much quicker than expected next time. Here are the early warning signs that there could be tree roots in your pipes:

  • Recurring Clogs: If you clear clogs and they keep coming back, it could be a sign there are tree roots somewhere in your pipes obstructing water flow.
  • Gurgling Sounds: Gurgling is caused by trapped air inside pipes. When the air bubble releases, it makes a sound. Think of it like your drain has indigestion and can’t stop belching.
  • Unexpectedly High Water Bills: If your water bill suddenly goes way up, it might be because your utility company recently raised their rate. Check first to see if that’s the case, and if it’s not, your best bet is you’re dealing with a leak somewhere that you can’t see. Leaks often lead to increased water usage and inflated utility bills.
  • Unpleasant Odors: When there are blockages in the pipes, things get stuck. They decay in your plumbing system. Those odors will eventually make their way back through the drains into your home. Yuck.
  • Reduced Water Pressure: Gauge your water pressure at fixtures throughout your home – sinks, showers, and toilets. If it seems less forceful, that’s a strong sign that there’s a clog or leak in your plumbing.
  • Rapid Tree Growth: If a tree in your yard is growing suspiciously fast, like that one player on your kid’s little league team with a mustache who looks like he’s about to turn 25, it’s a sign that it’s getting overwatered by your plumbing.

How Do Tree Roots Get Into My Pipes in the First Place?

Now, you might be saying to yourself, “my trees would never betray me,” but the truth is tree roots don’t listen to anybody. The only thing they care about is getting more water and nutrients to support the tree. Young roots are tiny, wispy tendrils and can wriggle into almost any space. In pipe sections with joined pipes or gaskets, there’s plenty of room.

Once inside the pipe, the tree gets as much water as it wants. The root grows thicker and stronger. Clogs start happening. It grows too big for the pipe. This is when the risk of serious plumbing issues becomes a concern. It’s estimated that one tree root has a tensile strength of anywhere from 10 to about 60 megapascals. That’s incredibly strong. To put it in perspective, an item stuck in cement has a tensile strength of about 10 to 30 MPa.

What Does Long-Term Tree Root Damage to My Plumbing Look Like?

It might not take long for a small tree root problem to grow into a large one. Here are some of the major problems tree roots in your plumbing can cause to your property:

  • Foundation Cracks: Tree roots are powerful. If they grow large and apply constant pressure on your pipes, this can very easily lead to cracks in the foundation of your home.
  • Soggy or Flooded Yard: Tree roots can crack underground pipes, releasing water and sewage into the ground. You’ll notice this in the form of an overly saturated yard.
  • Muddy or Discolored Water: In certain instances, blockages caused by tree roots can cause discolored water to come through the faucets.
  • Sinkholes: Just like a soggy or flooded yard, but worse. If a large enough volume of water is leaking underground, it can lead to sinkholes in your yard.

Early Detection Is Key

Trees: with friends like that, who needs enemies? But before you go out into your yard and scold your trees for their conspiratorial ways, it’s important to understand that this is an easy problem to solve – as long as you catch it early. Because the early warning signs mimic minor plumbing problems, most homeowners do not realize tree roots are a problem – or even that they can be a problem – until there’s a complete blockage or even flooding.

That’s why, if you’re experiencing recurring blockages in your plumbing, gurgling sounds, reduced water pressure, or any of the other early warning signs, call D&F to come take a look. 

The boys in plaid are trained to detect leaks quickly and easily no matter where they are in your plumbing system – even in pipes buried underground. They come equipped with cutting-edge camera imaging technology to give you a full picture of the situation.

Sewer-Safe Landscaping Tips

Of course, if you’re landscaping a new property, there are some things you can do to prevent tree roots from becoming a problem. For example, planting trees a safe distance from existing pipes makes a huge difference. Your plumber can tell you where your sewer line is located.

There are also certain species of trees with less potential to damage pipes. Believe it or not, sewer-friendly trees are a thing. These trees have roots that don’t travel as wide or deep, so if you plant them away from your lines they shouldn’t cause problems.

Call Today to Find Out

If you’re dealing with mysterious plumbing problems that don’t seem to go away, the problem might be tree roots in your plumbing. If this is a possibility, we recommend acting quickly because it’s likely the problem will only get worse, and can lead to a full sewer line repair, which is a much more expensive and intensive job.

Don’t let your tree friendships wither – leaf it to the plaid-clad pros at D&F and call us today.

Signs of an Underground Water Leak

Leaking Underground

Person in rubber boots standing next to a puddle on the basement floorDo you have creaking and gurgling noises coming from your basement? No, this isn’t the plot of a horror movie (although it may feel like it). This could actually be the sign of an underground water leak in your house. 

Though lots of plumbing problems can be a headache to deal with, leaks beneath the ground may be the most challenging to identify and fix. Thankfully, there are a few ways you can keep those leaks from getting the best of you – read on to learn top tips from the D & F Plumbing team! 

Dangers of Underground Water Leaks 

A minor leak may not seem like a big deal, especially if it’s out of sight and out of mind. However, excess moisture near your foundation can be particularly dangerous to your home and health. If a hidden leak isn’t discovered and treated early on, you could have serious consequences such as: 

  • Damaged foundation: Excess water washing over the foundation of your home can lead to cracks, which may grow and get worse over time. Damage to your foundation can pose serious safety risks and may cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars to fix. 
  • Mold growth: Water dripping beneath your home could lead to mold growth in your basement or crawl space, which can begin within just 48 hours of water exposure. Not only is mold very difficult to get rid of, but it could also have a huge impact on your health – especially if you have allergies or asthma. 
  • Soil erosion: A steady underground leak might wash away the soil in your yard. In addition to wreaking havoc on your once-beautiful landscaping, soil erosion could cause drainage issues or alter the grading of your property.
  • Skyrocketing water bills: Unfortunately, you have to pay for each drop of water that flows through your pipes… even if it leaks into the ground before you have a chance to use it. A slow leak beneath your home will likely lead to a significant spike in your water bills.
  • Safety risks: If water is leaking beneath your home, it may come into contact with electrical components and put you at risk of life-threatening issues. Even if it doesn’t mix with your electrical system, the water will still likely weaken the structural integrity of your home by damaging the foundation.

Signs You Have a Hidden Leak 

Some plumbing problems are apparent immediately, like a dripping kitchen faucet or a broken dishwasher seal. Other issues can sneak up on you. That’s why it’s important for homeowners to remain vigilant for common signs of an underground leak, such as:

  • Slow or clogged drains
  • Recurring blockages
  • Gurgling sounds from drains
  • Unexpectedly high water bills
  • Unpleasant odors
  • Soggy or flooded areas in your yard
  • Muddy of discolored water
  • Foundation cracks
  • Sinkholes on your property
  • Reduced water pressure
  • Musty odors or signs of mold
  • Steady increase in water bill

How Can I Avoid Underground Leaks? 

While you should always keep an eye out for signs of a plumbing problem in your home, some hidden leaks are small enough to go undetected for several days or weeks. However, that doesn’t mean you should always have to worry about what’s going on underneath your home! 

If you want to make sure your plumbing system is in great shape without feeling paranoid about possible leaks that you can’t even see, don’t worry. Help from a professional plumber is the ultimate step in protecting your property from underground water leaks.

We offer three main services to keep your property safe from hidden leaks: 

  • Routine inspections are an excellent way to catch plumbing problems before they turn into leaks. A small investment in prevention could save you hours of stress and hundreds of dollars in repairs. 
  • Leak detection is great if you suspect that there’s an underground leak on your property. During this service, a plumber will use specialized equipment to detect leaks under the house or yard without invasive digging. 
  • Emergency repairs are available to make sure you always have support, right when you need it. Our service trucks are on standby to assist with any burst pipe or hidden leak that can’t wait until morning. 

Whether you suspect there’s a leak lurking underneath your home or you just want to make sure your plumbing system is operating at its best, the team at D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling has you covered! Don’t wait until it’s too late and you’re knee-deep in water damage. Give us a call today to schedule your service.

Leaking Pipes: What to Avoid


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Every day your pipes work to move waste out and transfer clean water in. The average home’s plumbing system works well enough that, at its very best, you hardly notice it at all. But when something goes wrong, suddenly the state of your pipes is all you can think about. Some may be tempted to put off plumbing repairs, especially if the leak appears minor. However, even the smallest drip can waste up to eight gallons of water a day, and that excess moisture can cause a variety of costly and frustrating problems.

At D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, we can help you avoid wasting money on your water bill, while also preventing damage to your home.

How to Find a Water Leak

Not all leaks look the same. And since a good portion of your plumbing reaches into places that you cannot easily access, it’s important to know the signs of a leaking pipe. To do this, it can be as simple as looking back at your past handful of utility bills. Consider the size of your family – a household of four uses less than 12,000 gallons per month on average. Take that statistic and adjust it for the size of your family, and if you use far more than that then you may have a hidden water leak.

You can also detect leaks using your water meter. You can check the meter before and after a two-hour period of using no water in the house, and if the reading differs then you likely have some kind of leak.

What Do Leaking Pipes Damage?

Water waste caused by leaking pipes is a big environmental issue. The Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that over one trillion gallons of water in the United States goes to waste every year due solely to plumbing leaks. On a much smaller, but still substantial scale, a leaking pipe can also cause a great deal of property damage – enough to render a home unsafe to inhabit.


Your plumbing spider webs behind the walls of your home, and if there’s a leaking pipe you run the risk of damp drywall. This deteriorates the structure of your home over time, and it may attract insects or the development of mold. You can catch this early by detecting a musty odor in certain areas of the home or looking for discolored patches on the walls around you.


Much like the walls, excess moisture from plumbing leaks can also damage the flooring of your home. The water that escapes your pipes travels downhill to your floors, resulting in misshapen and discolored boards, or tiles that detach altogether. You don’t want the expense of a full floor replacement, so call a licensed plumber and they can fix the issue before it gets that far.


Leaks in your plumbing don’t only concern drains and pipes – they can also damage the faucets around your home. Faucets and showerheads are especially vulnerable, and if a leak lowers your water pressure it can result in reduced performance. When left unchecked for a long enough period of time, you may have to pay upwards of $500 dollars to replace the broken fixture.


Mold loves moisture. So, if there’s a leak in your plumbing, that invites mold spores to gather inside the structure of your home. Mold can result in several long-term health issues, as well as immediate irritation to those with allergies or sensitive immune systems. That’s why it’s so important to address leaking pipes sooner rather than later. 

Slab Leak Repair

A slab leak occurs when there’s a water leak in the plumbing underneath your concrete foundation. This could be the result of shifts in the ground, mistakes during insulation, or erosion – and it’s a very serious problem. It can cause flood damage to personal belongings, as well as foundation damage due to the movement of the soil. Many plumbing companies in Portland don’t offer slab leak repair, as it can be very labor-intensive. But with D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling it’s easy, and our team knows how to reline your pipes without cutting into your concrete at all. What matters most is that you call us as soon as you suspect a leak, because that initiative just might be the thing to save you time, money, and a lot of trouble.

Fix Leaking Pipes With D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling

D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling boasts 95 years of satisfied customers, and when you look at what we have to offer it’s easy to see why. Unlike our competitors, we’re able to diagnose, detect, and repair a leaking pipe, all in the very same session. We have a team of Journeyman Plumbers that are all licensed, bonded and insured – ready to handle scheduled appointments as well as emergency calls. Our customers trust us to support their homes in much the same way that their foundation does, and we think we can support you too. So stop ignoring that strange smell or new stain in your home. Contact D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling today and we’ll get things flowing right again.

Brown Friday: Why Plumbers Are So Busy After Thanksgiving

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Plumber holding a toilet plungerEveryone looks forward to Black Friday shopping deals. But plumbers have an entirely different experience on the Friday after Thanksgiving!

Our experienced D and F Plumbing team knows better than to make big shopping plans on “Brown Friday” because we’re sure to be busy. Today, we will talk about common plumbing emergencies that happen on this notorious day. Enjoy!

Big Family Gatherings Put Extra Pressure on Your Plumbing

All year long, your Grandma’s plumbing has the “duty” of disposing of gray water, waste and solids for one or two people. (See what we did there?) Slightly clogged drains and plumbing don’t act up, and no one suspects a problem. Maybe Grandma only runs the dishwasher a few times a week, and she has a small appetite.

Everything seems fine! The toilet flushes and the sinks and showers drain normally. All is well at Grandma’s house.

Then, after a magical day of cooking for 20 family members, feasting, cleaning and overindulgence, the added strain is suddenly too much. Toilets back up, sinks get clogged, and Grandma doesn’t know what to do.

Grandma needs to call a plumber.

Grandma, You’re Not Alone

The day after Turkey Day is almost always our busiest day of the year. We don’t make plans to watch the Macy’s Christmas Parade or stampede the local Walmart for cheap electronics.

Like the professional football players on TV on Thanksgiving Day, we’ve been training for this all year long. Brown Friday is our time to shine!

What Causes Plumbing Problems on Brown Friday?

Every household is unique, and every plumbing job has challenges. On Brown Friday, we usually find ourselves dealing with:

  • Clogged toilets and pipes because someone flushed feminine products, diapers, wipes and the like.
  • Sink problems and garbage disposal issues caused by turkey bones or tin foil in the system.
  • Bathroom drain issues that went unnoticed until five extra guests spent the weekend.
  • Guest bathroom issues that no one noticed because the room hasn’t been used much since last year.

If you’re like Grandma and need emergency plumbing services on a holiday, contact the “Plumbers in Plaid.” We’ve been training hard for this all year and are ready to serve the entire Portland Metro area.

Your next question is, “How can I prevent Brown Friday emergencies?” Let’s find out.

How to Prevent Holiday Plumbing Problems

Grandma has an old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” And, as usual, she’s not wrong!

During the pre-holiday scramble, be aware of your water use. You may wash more laundry — think drapes and guest bedding — and run the dishwasher more often after making all those pumpkin pies. Keep an eye on your drains, and call a licensed journeyman plumber if you notice any slowness. Sometimes a quick “snake” can solve problems before they happen.

If you have a guest bathroom that’s rarely used, take it for a test drive! Spend some quality time there before Turkey Day. (You can even use the little fancy guest soaps and embroidered towels. We won’t tell.) Instead of fleeing your personal aromas immediately, stick around to ensure everything drains and flushes quickly and quietly.

Warning Signs

The best way to prevent Brown Friday mishaps is to maintain your plumbing before the holidays. Watch out for these warning signs:

  • Toilets that need plunging often, even when you’re not flushing a #2.
  • The kitchen sinks drain slowly.
  • The dishwasher backs up into the kitchen sink.
  • Any water backs up into your bathtub or shower.
  • Gurgling sounds are coming from a faucet.
  • Poor water pressure.
  • Unusually high water bills.
  • Any wetness in your basement or a puddle around your sump pump.

Hopefully, your Thanksgiving weekend will go off without a hitch. But emergencies don’t always happen during regular business hours. And if you need emergency plumbing on a holiday weekend, you can count on the team at D and F Plumbing. We’ve been training for this all year.

Go Energy Efficient and Get a Huge Tax Credit

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The sun shines on rooftop soalr panels

Just a few weeks ago, the Inflation Reduction Act was passed and it will have a big impact on your wallet as a homeowner.

While it’s yet to be seen if this new act will have an impact on the cost of gas and groceries, it will make transitioning to an all-electric, energy-efficient lifestyle more affordable.

We wanted to share all the details, and highlight how we can help you make the switch with ease. Here is the best info we have at this point:

What is the Inflation Reduction Act? (IRA)

The Inflation Reduction Act is a new act that was passed with the intention of reducing inflation in the United States. Some of the ways it can attempt to do this is by offering incentives for people to switch to more energy-efficient systems in their homes, like heat pump water heaters.

These incentives will come in the form of tax credits and rebates for the purchase and installation of new clean energy technology.

What home improvements will be incentivized?

The IRA will incentivize a variety of home improvements, but one that will have a big impact on your plumbing is a new water heater. If you upgrade to a high-efficiency all-electric heat pump water heater, you could receive up to $1,750 in tax credits and rebates.

Here are some other non-plumbing-related home improvements you can make to receive similar incentives:

Installing rooftop solar: The IRA provides 30% off the cost of rooftop solar, which amounts to average savings of $7,000, according to estimates from the Sierra Club. The bill also offers 30% off the cost of home batteries for the first time.

Switching to electric appliances: The Inflation Reduction Act offers homes up to $14,000 in rebates to switch over to electric appliances — covering up to 50% of the costs for moderate-income households and 100 percent of the costs for low-income households.

This includes up to:

  • $8,000 for a heat pump, which serves as an air conditioner in the summer and heater in the winter

  • $1,750 for a high-efficiency, all-electric heat pump water heater

  • $840 for an electric induction cooktop

  • $840 for a high-efficiency all-electric heat pump clothes dryer

  • Up to $9,100 for enabling improvements to the electric panel, wiring, and home insulation

Improving energy efficiency: An alternative rebate option offers to cover more than 50% of the cost of whole-home energy efficiency retrofit or more than 80% in the case of homes occupied by low to moderate-income households.

Households that do not participate in either rebate program can still claim a variety of home energy tax credits, which are improved and extended for 10 years by the bill.

And if you invest in rental homes or apartments: The IRA’s investment incentives aren’t just for individual homeowners. The bill provides rebates of up to $400,000 for whole-building energy efficiency retrofits in large multifamily apartment buildings as well as grants and loans worth $1 billion in total for improving efficiency and installing zero-emission equipment in affordable housing units.

There are also other credits for purchasing new and used electric vehicles.

Benefits of upgrading to a heat pump water heater

Water heaters usually only last 8-12 years, so if yours is nearing the end of its life, you might be due for an upgrade anyway. And with the IRA, there is no better time to switch to a more energy-efficient water heater. Here are 5 benefits of heat pump water heaters:

1. Save money on your energy bill: Heat pump water heaters are 4x more efficient than standard electric water heaters, so a typical family can save around $300-400 per year by switching. This helps offset the cost of installation, which is generally higher for these much more efficient pieces of equipment.

2. Longer lifespan: Heat pump water heaters tend to last longer. Between 10-15 years, while a standard water heater will only last 8-12.

3. Less wear and tear: Since heat pump water heaters don’t use as much electricity to heat water, there is less wear and tear on the system overall. This means you can go longer without needing repairs or replacements.

4. Environmentally friendly: Heat pump water heaters don’t use as much electricity, which means they produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, when compared to gas water heaters, studies have shown a reduction in emissions by 50% and more!

5. Functions as an A/C: If your water heater is located inside your home, the heat pump water heater can also help with cooling in the summer. By moving heat from the water in the tank to the air around it, the water heater takes on a dual role as an air conditioner.

Can I start taking advantage of these benefits now?

Starting in 2023, tax credits and rebates will be available for many of the home improvements listed above. So if you’re thinking about making any upgrades to your home, it may be worth waiting just a little longer to receive a bigger discount.

In the meantime, our Plumbers in Plaid can help make sure your water heater is in good shape to last until it’s time to upgrade in 2023.

Fall is quickly approaching, which means now is the perfect time to schedule a check-up or maintenance appointment for your water heater. We can also show you the options available if you want to upgrade to a new water heater in the new year. Here’s to saving money and energy in the years to come!

The Plumbers in Plaid

P.S. Want to learn more about high-efficiency heat pump water heaters? Click here.

Preparing Your Plumbing for the Rain

Rain drops

Rain drops spilling out of a gutterApril showers bring May flowers, and… plumbing issues? With the rainy season right around the corner, it is essential to prioritize the comfort of your home, and nobody wants to clean the muck out of gutters in the middle of a storm!

Your plumbing fixtures are especially vulnerable to rain when it hasn’t rained for more than a month – here in the Pacific Northwest, that usually means late summer or early fall. Plumbing problems usually happen around this time because over the dry months of summer, layers of sediment are able to build up inside of drainage pipes. Once it starts raining again, this sediment can disrupt the flow of water and cause mass blockages. To avoid expensive problems like clogging, leaking, or flooding, it’s important to prepare your plumbing for the rain.

Clogged Gutters

Gutters are an essential part of your home’s plumbing system. They collect debris and water and guide it down the perimeter of your home. A good set of gutters not only protects your home from damage but also protects the terrain around your home from erosion. Before we transition into the rainy season, you should inspect and clean your gutters to ensure they’re performing at their full potential.

Ruptured Pipes

Nobody wants to deal with broken pipes. Unfortunately, they’re more common than people think, and they can be very difficult to locate or repair. Ruptured pipes often happen when it rains because the soil surrounding the plumbing fixtures becomes saturated with water and pushes on the pipes. Tree roots can also cause ruptures by growing through pipes and disrupting the flow of water.

Ruptured pipes can be particularly damaging because they allow soil and debris to enter the passage and disturb the flow of water throughout your system. It’s important to get regular inspections to ensure your pipes are prepared to withstand the rain and contact a professional right away if you notice a problem.

Signs You Need a Professional Plumber

Overlooking the signs of a serious plumbing problem could land you with a plumbing emergency. Leaking, flooding, and other problems can be expensive if you don’t catch them right away. Here are some crucial signs that you need a professional plumber:

  • Sewage backflow smell
  • Slow water drainage
  • Septic flooding
  • Visible leaking
  • Water pooling

Local Plumbing Experts in Portland OR

A little bit of effort could spare you the headaches of flooding, leaking, and other expensive damage. If you’ve noticed some warning signs or just want to make sure your plumbing system is in tip-top shape for the rainy season, D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling can help!  Your home’s safety is our top priority, and our skilled technicians provide personalized recommendations to get you the best results and emergency plumbing services. Whether you need help preparing your pipes for the rain or have an emergency in the middle of a storm, we have you covered – just contact us today to get your free estimate!

Plants That Can Ruin Your Plumbing

Image of plants in yard

Plants in yardJust when you thought you had seen the end of your plumbing problems, plant life adds a whole new obstacle to your maintenance regimen. When shooting for aesthetics, many homeowners overlook the repercussions certain trees and shrubs can have on plumbing fixtures.

While new plants may be beautiful, they could jeopardize your septic and plumbing systems. When enhancing your lawn’s appeal with shrubs and trees, it’s vital to know where and how different plants should be grown to avoid a plumbing emergency. 

Types of Trees That Can Affect Plumbing Fixtures

Trees add beauty, personality, and shade to your yard. Unfortunately, their roots present a significant threat to your plumbing fixtures. Depending on the type and direction of the root’s growth, you may experience blockage in your pipes. Here are the trees that most frequently grow into plumbing lines and fixtures:

  • Birch trees are favored by homeowners who appreciate graceful, slender trees. Birch roots usually grow a 4- to 8-inch-thick mat-like structure, but they still present a threat to nearby pipes. Birch trees need no less than twenty feet of space between plumbing fixtures and your home’s foundation to ensure no damage is done.
  • Citrus trees are a tasty source of lemons, oranges, and more. Although these trees yield wonderful fruits, they’re infamous for their damage to plumbing fixtures and are banned by many HOA’s for this reason. When planting a citrus tree, the placement must be at least 6-8 feet from the foundation of your home to avoid damage.
  • Oak trees are notorious for their longevity and strength, though they’re also infamous for damaging foundations and plumbing fixtures. Because oak trees grow slowly, they can penetrate pipes at a sneaky pace that takes a while to notice. Oak trees should be planted a minimum of 15-30 feet away from important fixtures on your property.

Preventive Growth Barriers

There are many methods you can use to protect yourself from expensive plumbing repairs, and one of the most cost-effective options is to have a preventive growth barrier installed.
A preventive growth barrier is an assemblage of walls implanted into the ground around a plant that’s main job is to redirect the growth of roots. A professional landscaper can help install a growth barrier to make it easier to plant a yard without root-related complications.

Experts In Plumbing Repair

Putting up with the complications of plant-related plumbing damages is no thrilling endeavor. If you’ve done your calculations and a plant’s roots still managed to come in contact with your pipes, it’s best to turn to the experts at D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling. Here at D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, we make it our top priority to repair your plumbing and protect your plumbing fixtures from any additional damage. If you require immediate plumbing repair, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

Your Spring Plumbing Checklist

Your Plumbing Checklist

Your springtime plumbing checklist in Portland OR & Vancouver WA - D&F Plumbing, Heating and CoolingSpring has sprung, but hopefully a leak hasn’t! With the warmer weather rolling in, it’s time to tackle that to-do list that’s been piling up all winter – and that includes taking a look at your plumbing system. To make sure your system is in great shape for the new season, go through this spring plumbing checklist:

Check for Leaks & Clogs

Winter can wreak havoc on your plumbing system – particularly on the pipes or fixtures that are located outdoors or near external walls. To make sure nothing is leaking and causing damage throughout your home, it’s a good idea to check around your property for any leaks or clogs. If you notice any issues, a professional plumber can help identify and fix the root cause of the problem while preventing any further damage to your home.

Change Your Hoses

While you’re checking your pipes and fixtures for leaks or damage, you can also take a look at the condition of your hoses. Check the hoses to your dishwasher, washing machine, fridge, and other appliances. Keep an eye out for any bulging or discoloration in addition to leaking and cracks. You or a professional can replace any damaged or worn out hoses to keep your appliances functioning flawlessly.

Clean Your Storm Drains

If your storm drains are clogged, you could face some serious flooding during springtime rain. Taking the time to remove any leaves, sticks, or other debris from your storm drains will keep things flowing properly, which will protect your property while preventing other issues like soil erosion. If you run into serious blockages or drainage issues, then it may be useful to invest in an outdoor drain cleaning service to keep everything in good working order.

Test Your Sump Pump

Your sump pump plays a big role in preventing basement flooding, particularly during times of heavy rain. That’s why spring is the perfect time of year to check in on your sump pump and make sure it’s functioning properly. To test your sump pump, first look to make sure that it’s plugged in correctly. Then, pour a bucket of water into the basin to see if the pump is able to clear it. If your sump pump is unable to clear the water, or you notice any signs of moisture issues in your basement, then it may be time to contact a professional.

Adjust Your Water Heater

Water heaters get a lot of use in the cold winter months, which is why spring is the perfect time of year to perform any maintenance and check in on your system. An expert can flush your tank while also screening for any potential issues to make sure yours is working wonderfully for the new season. Now is also a good time to turn down the temperature, which will save you money during the spring and summer.